Working hard and having fun are not mutually exclusive.
I promise both will happen every session.

- Carrie Russo -


Carrie is a highly sought after instructor, based in Los Angeles. 

During Carrie’s initial training her primary mentors were Michael Levy and Trish Garland. She was also fortunate to study directly with Romana Kryzanowska (Joseph Pilates famed protégé) during her certification. Carrie strongly believes in being a continual student of Pilates and continues her studies under as many elders as she can. They include: Cynthia Shipley, Cynthia Lochard, Rocky Huang, Anthony Rabara and she enjoys taking a weekly online class with Sari Mejia Santo (Romana’s daughter), just to name a few.

Romana’s Pilates is recognized as one of the most elite certification within the Pilates community. It is far from a weekend certification as Apprentices are required to study and train hard for well over a year, observing a minimum of 600 hours before completing 6 tests, both practical and written, before Master Teachers agree to certify them. Carrie has been teaching since 2005 and has had many clients from celebrities, to elite athletes, to senior citizens to young moms. Men and Women. All body types. All walks of life.

The wonderful thing about Pilates is that nearly any injury or condition can be worked with or around. Carrie has worked with those whom have had chronic back pain, chronic knee pain, chronic shoulder pain – and over time has witnessed her clients become pain free. She has taught numerous women through their pregnancies and they come back thanking her for it!

Romana once said, “If you’re not having fun then what’s the point?”. That has become the cornerstone for Carrie’s teaching. You will work hard and she can be tough, but it’s pretty much a guarantee you will be laughing at some point every session. Carrie is proud to say she still has several clients that were her firsts back in 2005. She attributes this to her sincere interest in her clients’ goals and desires, connecting with them and genuinely caring. She always says:
​”This isn’t about what I want, it’s about what you need.”

You can see Carrie in action on her highly acclaimed Instagram page @russopilates. Through IG, Carrie has gained international recognition and respect for her expertise of the work, her ability to explain it simply and her friendly and approachable demeanor. Carrie is honored to be a teacher on the esteemed website, Pilatesology.